Friday, April 10, 2009

The Great Browser War

I’ve tried out many different web browsers in an attempt to find one that’s perfect.  *note:  I’m running Windows XP on the MSI Wind Netbook with the BricoPack Vista Inspirat installed (my computer looks like Vista, but isn’t)* Here are my results:

Internet Explorer
- Standard
- Trusted Company
- Slow

- Boring
- Kinda ugly

Opera 4 Beta for Windows
- Looks nice
- Tabs are at the top
- Really fast 
- Nice download manager
- Won’t let me set as my default browser.  I’ve tried everything, trust me.
- The minimize, maximize, and close buttons sometimes get smushed together.
- The only Opera I found for Windows, but it’s a beta so it’s kinda buggy.

Mozilla Firefox
Sets as default
- Skins!
- Totally open-source (I think)
- Nice downloads manager
- Great interface (for getting add-ons, finding help, general browsing, etc.)
- The top’s a little chubby
- The bar with File, Edit, View, History, Bookmarks, Tools, and Help won’t go away.
- No ‘InPrivate’ or ‘Private Browsing’ or such.

Google Chrome
- REALLY nice
- Fast
- Looks pretty good
- Made by google.  Some people think they’re evil, but all I know is they have the (in my opinion) best search engine, best email, and generally good programs
- Won’t work on my netbook. :’(

So there you have it.  I like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox the best, but only Firefox works on my computer, so.


  1. The current version of opera is 9.6, with an alpha release of 10. Do you mean safari 4?

  2. There's an addon that can take care of your problem with firefox... it hides File, Menu etc. into one button.

  3. I've fooled around with all these browsers, but I keep having to come back to Firefox simply for the extensibility. I'm currently using version 3.0.10 and it's certainly not as snappy as Chrome or Opera, but it allows me to experience the web exactly how I want it. That's tough to beat.
